Cattail Harvesting With Sergei

Cattails have one major advantage over other wild edibles; they are high in calories relative to other foraged foods. If you ever find yourself in need of an energy boost, the…

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30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge

Drinking green smoothies regularly can help you lose weight, improve energy levels, reduce craving for bad food, and make you feel awesome! The new and improved 30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge…

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Free Stuff

FREE STUFF You'll love! In this handy chart, I outline nine of the most common wild edibles found across the globe. Print it out, laminate it, and take it with…

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Ebooks NEW PRODUCT: 30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge for Busy People. Same great protocol as before, but with different recipes, new/updated chapters, and more! If you’ve ever made the excuse that…

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WELCOME TO MY WORLD FREE STUFF SHOP WELCOME TO MY WORLD FREE STUFF SHOP Specializing in films, books, & adventures that can't be put in a box. New Smoothie…

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